A timelapse is created from a series of individual photos, that are combined together as a video sequence, using post-processing software. The illusion that the stars move across the sky is obtained as the earth rotates. That makes the night sky excellent for timelapses. A night sky timelapse shows the progression of the stars throughout the night. The process is condensed from several hours into a few seconds. The night sky is one of the most pleasant subjects to master.
Sony A6500 & Laowa 9mm f/2.8 Zero-D
About the Author
Bernard Dery, known to his friends as “BernardVideo”, specializes in time lapse videos, drone footage, 360 images, tourism and landscape photos. His passion for creative imaging led him to become an excellent video editor. To view a selection of images and videos by BernardVideo please visit:
BernardVideo: https://www.youtube.com/BernardVideo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bernard.dery
A propos de l’auteur
BernardVideo se spécialise dans les timelapses, dans les prises de vues par drone, les prises photo 360, les photos touristiques et les photos de paysages. Ses passions l’ont amené à devenir un excellent monteur vidéo.
BernardVideo https://www.youtube.com/BernardVideo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bernard.dery