Post Tagged with: "Dr. Wayne Lynch"

Editor's Choice

A Celebration of Prairie Birds

I became enchanted by the prairie grasslands more than 40 years ago and have been bewitched by birds even longer. Originally, native prairie grasslands occupied the entire central core of North America, roughly 138 million hectares. (340 million ac.) From March to May, male sage-grouse cluster on traditional dancing grounds, […]


White Sharks in Canada

Adult female great white shark The dramatic cover of Time magazine on June 23, 1975 pictured a gaping great white shark, its jaws rimmed with jagged menacing teeth, breaking the ocean’s surface in a terrifying predatory lunge.  “Super Shark” the cover proclaimed. It was the heat of summer, and Universal […]


Snowy Owls

A “sundog” on the prairies.  Temperature -23°C, windchill -41°C Penguins and owls are the two most recognizable and popular groups of birds.  Although wild penguins are hard to find in Canada it is a different story for owls. Of the 14 species of owls found in Canada, 10 of them […]