PhotoNews Links
on June 25, 2021 at 2:58 pm ×
Entrepreneur à l’enthousiasme contagieux, Jacques Dumont est l’éditeur de la revue canadienne PHOTONews. Il partage le secret de son succès en affaires, sa passion pour la photographie animalière… et dévoile en scoop notre super collaboration pour le magazine de cet été! Visualisez la revue été 2021 dès maintenant!
Editor's Choice
on June 25, 2021 at 2:21 pm ×
As an avid sports and nature photographer, my kit tends to favour long telephoto lenses, big zooms, and macro optics, but for the past two months I have been enjoying a wide-angle adventure, exploring the world through the perspective of the Tamron 15-30mm f/2.8 zoom. At first, I was unsure […]
on June 25, 2021 at 1:22 pm ×
Ever wondered how to create really cool panning and motion blur effects? Here’s how to use slow shutter speed like a boss! Panning | Sony a9 + 135mm F/1.8 @ F/11, 1/30 sec Pick the right movement direction For best results, pick a subject that’s moving in a parallel way […]
on June 25, 2021 at 1:14 pm ×
© Michelle Valberg, from Gloucester, Ontario, Canada The Jurors Barbara Davidson and Elisabeth Biondi have selected the overall winner of the 16th Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers, as well as 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize and Honorable Mentions in the thematic categories in sections Single Image and Series. 3,245 […]
on June 25, 2021 at 12:43 pm ×
Laowa 7.5mm f/2 MFT – This lens is the widest prime lens with f/2 for Micro Four Third cameras in the market. With its fast aperture, it can handle different shooting situations easily. Although the lens is super wide and fast, it weighs ~150-170g only that photographers can carry it […]
Photo Challenge
on June 25, 2021 at 11:37 am ×
Kenko Instagram The theme is “Your best shot with a lens filters”. Contest period: June 10 (Thu.) – July 31 (Sat.) Best 3 winners will get the prize! 🥇Kenko PRO1D+ INSTANT ACTION SET x1 + Tokina Lens x1 (choose one from Tokina lenses line-up) 🥈Kenko PRO1D+ INSTANT ACTION SET x1 […]
on June 25, 2021 at 9:51 am ×
We received a celestial treat the morning of June 10, 2021 – a solar eclipse. If you were in central Canada, you enjoyed a total eclipse. For those of us in the East, it was a partial eclipse, at sunrise. It was an early morning as the eclipse coincided with […]
on June 25, 2021 at 9:49 am ×
I’ve seen a LOT of photography gadgets and gizmos over the last .. umm … 30 years. There have been some real winners (Hahnel corded remote) and some real dogs (far too many too list). But this may actually be my favourite gadget because it’s just so darn useful! Revoring […]
on June 25, 2021 at 9:29 am ×
PHOTONews a demandé à Pascal Ratthé, photographe de presse avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine du sport, des conférences de presse, des spectacles et autres grands événements médiatiques, d’essayer le zoom Tamron 150-600 mm pour ce reportage spécial Field Test. Pascal, qui est bien connu pour ses […]
on June 24, 2021 at 5:00 pm ×
Photographe de sport à temps plein basée dans la ville de Québec, Michèle Grenier se spécialise dans le portrait d’action intense et authentique. Nous lui avons demandé de décrire de quelle manière elle a réussi à développer son style distinctif et comment elle a tiré son épingle du jeu dans […]