Photo Inspiration – Communication by Daryl Benson
Photography is all about communicating. Ideas, inspiration, location or sales pitch, an image can often communicate where words flounder.
Photography is all about communicating. Ideas, inspiration, location or sales pitch, an image can often communicate where words flounder.
Shooting after dark is a challenge for the avid photographer, but if you are well prepared, you can create amazing images after the sun goes down.
David Hemmings is a world-renowned bird photographer, and President of Nature’s Photo Adventures, specializing in unique tours for photographers of all skill levels.
The annual meeting of the Technical Image Press Association to vote for the best photographic and imaging products in 2011 was held on 9 April 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. This year at the TIPA General Assembly 29 member magazines voted for the best product in each category.
Congratulations to the winners of the quarterly PHOTONews Challenge!
For the past five years I have been tweaking the technique, and today shooting and publishing panoramic images has become a specialty. Each assignment is a visual and intellectual challenge – but the results are always stunning.
I have had the Tamron SP 70-300mm F/4-5.6 Di VC lens sitting on my desk for a couple of weeks waiting for a test run in the field. Problem is that it has been raining, windy, cloudy and cold for almost the last two weeks where I live.
The Captain Brandi Boutilier of Thunder Bay, ON, captured this image of “The Captain” on the north shore of Lake Superior near Thunder Bay, with an Olympus E-410 and a 14-42mm f3.5 lens, shooting at 1/200 second and f/9, ISO 100.
If you are thinking about photographing wakeboarders, you may want to check this out.
Metz has just released a new firmware update for the 58AF-1 and 48AF-1 that now allows these flashes to be used in Servo mode.