There Is No "I" by Denis Duquette
Growing up I never played individual sports, I always played team sports. Well, except for my brief foray into badminton.
Growing up I never played individual sports, I always played team sports. Well, except for my brief foray into badminton.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Vancouver Olympic Games was the opportunity for creative artists to showcase a wide variety of leading-edge performances and technology through the Cultural Olympiad’s Digital Edition (CODE).
A special article from Adore Noir, a black and white fine art photography magazine from Vancouver, British Columbia.
For almost a quarter of a century, Montreal photographer André Pichette has thrilled Canadians with images of the leading personalities in a wide range of Olympic and professional sports.
In the treeless prairie, many birds resort to nesting on the ground, hidden among tufts of grass or buried under bushy shrubs. The western meadowlark is one such bird, and one of my favourites to photograph in the spring, when its cheerful flute-like song bubbles across the prairie.
Photography is all about communicating. Ideas, inspiration, location or sales pitch, an image can often communicate where words flounder.
Shooting after dark is a challenge for the avid photographer, but if you are well prepared, you can create amazing images after the sun goes down.
The annual meeting of the Technical Image Press Association to vote for the best photographic and imaging products in 2011 was held on 9 April 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. This year at the TIPA General Assembly 29 member magazines voted for the best product in each category.