
Our progress since the Spring of 2018

I remember getting the call from Jacques Dumont letting me know that Take Your Seat had been chosen as the cover story for PHOTONews’ Spring 2018 edition.  We had just finished a Canada 150 tour that debuted with the Toronto Symphony. I had been an avid reader of the magazine for years. A story, yet alone a cover, had always been a bold ambition given the credibility of the publication. I was beyond thrilled. 

We sent copies to Ambassadors that were interested in our project. We shared copies with companies and sponsors and I of course proudly gave a copy to my Mom.

Since that feature story, we have had major exhibitions in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Ottawa and Toronto. Turkish Airlines commissioned us to create a book and exhibition to commemorate their 10th anniversary flying to and from Canada. Our work enjoys incredible exposure with both print and digital installations at Pearson International Airport. Those magazine copies that were sent to Ambassadors, have led to collaborations with Japan, Hong Kong, Turkey, the UAE, Georgia, Thailand and others. Our photographs now hang in embassies, corporate offices and everyday living rooms. We have been honoured as photo journalists by the Canadian Ethnic Media Association and the Turkish Journalists Association for creating a bridge between Canada and the world.

PHOTONews launched our work in a very public way. The prestige of the magazine opened doors that Take Your Seat could never have opened on our own. Jacques believed in our work when we were just emerging. For that support and for that pivotal article almost four years ago, I and Take Your Seat will be forever grateful.

By: Randy VanDerStarren

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